Do I procrastinate too much? Moved Darden to R2

This has happened again. While I moved Anderson to R2 as my essays were not in good shape, I repeated the same with Darden. I was targeting at least 1 R1 application and that could have been Darden but till today, 2 out of 3 essays are in bad shape. So a kind soul recommended me to apply in R2 with a stronger application rather than hurry up and submit mediocre essays.

Actually, if I go back and introspect, I actually started quite late. Although I had taken my GMAT long back, I had not decided to apply to US this year. Then I changed my mind and started with my app in late September. This explains a bit. Another factor which contributed was my work load. I am working 10 hours non-stop on weekdays. By the time I get home I do not have any energy left to think about my essays. The last and the biggest reason, I am slow. I think a lot and write down one point and build on it. Or maybe my approach of getting in the perfect words in the first draft itself is incorrect.

In fact, I worked hard on meeting the deadline. I had put in 6-7 hours per day on the weekend, that accounts for my nightouts. Anyways, what has happened has happened. In the meanwhile, ISB R2 deadline (15 Nov) is approaching and I decide to work hard on that. Since ISB is high up on my priority list, I do not want to miss that deadline. Immediately after that, I decide on finishing off my Anderson and Darden apps as both are rolling. Let’s see what happens.


Pavan said...

Hey..Are you sure that Darden's application process is rolling? I think its only the Exec. MBA admission process that is rolling and not the Full-time. Anyways..i cannot do much even otherwise though :) given that R1 deadline is on Nov 1st..

The Teacher said...

Hi Pavan,

Thanks for pointing out. actually I'm not sure. On the website, it is not written anywhere that it is rolling, but I'm sure last academic year it was. I guess I have to find out.

Thanks again,

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Ameya said...

I guess there are many around who do procrastinate and I am one joining you in this (alongwith all the reasons)! Darden is now R2 for me too, which is really sad as this was a sure R1 for me! Anyway, life's like that. And whats worse is that I have been having quite some time with me since last 2 weeks (thanks to my broken finger I am on a long leave! But many thanks to my brain who has assumed that it needs to rest too).
Anyway, all the best for ISB (I am dinged already and I guess I know some of the reasons) and all further apps.


Ameya said...

Hey thanks for asking about my finger Nitin. Well, although I have time, I am not able to concentrate and hence am losing valuable time. Anyway, I am applying to Darden, UNC and Harvard. Am still researching about a few other schools and will update the list soon.

By the way, if its ok with you, I'll post a link for your blog in my blog.

Ameya said...

Are you in India? Fortunately, due to my finger I am getting to attend the Darden event in Mumbai.

Ameya said...

Hey Nitin... wanted to have your view on Essay 3 and also wanted to ask some technical questions. If its possible for you at all, could you mail me at my mail id (on my profile)?

Ameya said...

Hey Nitin,
Hows your ISB apps doing? And moved forward with your Darden and UCLA apps?

Ameya said...

Hey Nitin,
Found a nice article to help prevent procrastination... Do check the link on my blog.
How are applications going for you?